
Michael Dupret | 2023 | Belgium | 95′
Production: LouvignyMedia and RTL Belgium.

/ FR
Le documentaire « Atypiques » va à la rencontre de cinq adultes neuro-atypiques (HPI, TDAH, troubles « dys », syndrome Gilles de la Tourette, Trouble du Spectre de l’Autisme), bien intégrés dans la société, et les suit dans un moment de vie charnière. Alors qu’ils tentent d’invisibiliser leurs différences, ils vont constater au fur et à mesure qu’ils n’ont à guérir de rien, ni d’un handicap, ni d’une maladie. 
Ils vont comprendre qu’ils ne sont pas si seuls. Toutes ces neuroatypies mélées représentent selon les estimations 20% de la population mondiale.

The documentary is cameos of five neurodivergent adults who are witnessing the radical changes happening by being more and more in touch with their neurodiversity. Atypical adults in Europe are often undiagnosed and having to mask their whole lives. They face discrimination in their professional lives and often struggle with low self-esteem and feel worthless. Through their journeys they will see their neurodiversity not as a deficit or dysfunction but as a distinctive cognitive style, with its own strengths and benefits. An estimated 20 percent of the world’s population are thought to be neuroatypical.

/ IT
Questo film incontra cinque adulti neuro-atipici (APC, ADHD, disturbi « dis », sindrome di Tourette, autismo) ben integrati nella società e li segue in un momento particolare delle loro vite. Mentre cercano di rendere le loro differenze invisibili alla società, realizzano pian piano che non hanno niente da cui guarire: né un handicap, né una malattia. E che non sono tutto sommato così soli. Secondo alcune stime, infatti, le persone colpite da neuroatipie di ogni tipo rappresenterebbero il 20% della popolazione mondiale.


In progress