Nathalie Rossetti | 2020 | Belgium | 7′
Production: Borak Films.
/ FR
À l’aube du déconfinement, une promenade à Bruxelles, rue neuve
ou comment vivre dans sa bulle tout en créant un pont envers les autres…
Just after the beginnig of the lockdown, a walk in Brussels, Rue Neuve. Or: how to live into its own bubble while keeping to create bridges to others.
/ IT
All’alba del lockdown, una passeggiata a Bruxelles, Rue Neuve. Ovvero: del vivere nella propria bolla personale creando comunque ponti verso gli altri.
– Festival Traces de vies – Clermont-Ferrand | 2020 | France
– International Video Poetry Festival – Athènes | 2021 | Greece
– 67th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen | 2021 | Germany
– Changing Perspective Film Festival – Istanbul | 2021 | Turkey
– Cine al Patio Shorts – Buenos Aires | 2022| Argentina