Nous Tous

Pierre Pirard | 2020 | Belgium | 91′
Production: Almolu      World sale: Be For Films 

/ FR
Et si, loin des crispations autour des questions identitaires et de la peur de « l’autre », nous montrions d’autres réalités ? Et si, nous racontions des histoires de citoyens audacieux qui, dans l’optique d’une vie harmonieuse entre gens de croyances différentes, réinventent la famille, l’éducation, les relations sociales, la culture, le travail… et ce malgré les difficultés et tensions existantes.
Et si, grâce à ces récits glanés aux quatre coins de la planète, nous commencions à voir émerger ce que pourrait être le monde multi identitaire harmonieux de demain ?
Et si, nous y prenions tous part ?

What if, away from tensions around questions of identity and the fear of others, we had found other realities? What if we had stories to tell of audacious citizens who, with a strong desire for people of different beliefs to live together in harmony, have found ways of reinventing family, education, social relations, culture, and work…and have done so despite existing difficulties and frictions? What if, thanks to these stories, gathered from around the world, we can begin to see the emergence of what could be the multi-identity and yet harmonious world of tomorrow? And what if we all took part in it?

/ IT
Che succederebbe se, lontani dagli inasprimenti intorno alle questioni identitarie e dalla paura dell’ « altro », trovassimo altre realtà? Che succederebbe se raccontassimo delle storie di cittadini audaci che, nell’ottica di una vita armoniosa fra popoli di credi diversi, reinventano la famiglia, l’educazione, le relazioni sociali, la cultura, il lavoro… e questo nonostante le difficoltà e le tensioni?
E se grazie a queste storie raccolte ai quattro angoli del globo cominciassimo a vedere emergere quello che potrebbe essere il mondo multi-identitario armonioso di domani? E se ne facessimo parte?


– BRIFF – Brussels International Film Festival | 2021 | Belgium