Dansaert Legacy
/ FR
Le documentaire Dansaert legacy retrace la genèse du projet artistique et sportif de bball in the sky sur la place du nouveau marché aux grains (Bruxelles, Belgique). Il met en exergue notamment l’importance des infrastructures sportives en plein air et les collaborations multiples entre l’initiateur du projet, Mehdi Ould Kherroubi Hacine-Bey, et ses différentes partenaires: l’artiste Dema (CNN199), son fournisseur en peinture Khalid (Victoria Paint) et certains usagers de la place. Ainsi, ce projet audio-visuel tente d’expliciter le processus de réappropriation territoriale par des (anciens) habitants du quartier, historiquement peuplé par des personnes d’origine étrangère issues de la classe populaire mais qui fait l’objet d’une gentrification Massive.
The Dansaert legacy documentary recounts the artistic and sport project genesis of bball in the sky in Nouveau Marché aux grains square (Brussels, Belgium). It points out notably the importance of sport infrasctrures and the multiple collaborations between the projet initiator, Mehdi Ould Kherroubi Hacine-Bey, and his partners: the artist Dema (CNN199), his paint provider Khalid (Victoria Paint) and some square’s inhabitants. Hence, this audio-visual project attempts to highlight the territory appropriation process from neighborhood’s (former) inhabitants, historically composed by people with a migration background from working class but which is subject to massive Gentrification.
/ IT
Dansaert legacy racconta la genesi di tre progetti artistici e sportivi di bball in the sky, nella piazza di Nouveau Marché aux grains (Bruxelles, Belgio). Il film mette in rilievo l’importanza delle infrastrutture sportive e delle collaborazioni multiple fra l’iniziatore del progetto, Mehdi Ould Kherroubi Hacine-Bey, e i suoi partners: l’artista Dema (CNN199), il suo comittente di pitture Khalid (Victoria Paint) e alcuni abitanti del quartiere. Questo progetto audiovisivo mira a valorizzare il processo di riappropriazione del territorio degli (ex) abitanti del quartiere, composto storicamente da migranti della classe operaia ma sottoposto a una massiccia operazione di gentrificazione.