Canto alla vita

Turi Finocchiaro, Nicolas Liguori, Nathalie Rossetti | 2016 | Belgium/France | 62′
Production: Borak Film, Luna Blue Films, Les Films du Nord.

/ FR
Raymond et Raymond s’aiment.
Quand le cancer s’empare de l’un d’eux, déjà séropositif depuis 27 ans, leur combat devient commun.
Témoignant leur amour à leurs amis, ils tentent de renaître à une vie nouvelle mais forcément inconnue. Leur cheminement nous entraîne dans un étonnant voyage sentimental.

Raymond and Raymond love each other.
When cancer strucks one of them, already HIV-positive by 27 years, they start to fight it together. While testifying to their friends each other’s love, they try to born again to a new but unknown life. Their journey leads us to a stunning sentimental trip.

/ IT
Raymond e Raymond si amano.
Quando il cancro si impadronisce di uno dei due, già sieropositivo da 27 anni, la loro lotta diventa comune.
Testimoniando il loro amore agli amici, i due provano a rinascere a vita nuova ma inevitabilmente sconosciuta. Il loro cammino ci lancia in uno stupefacente viaggio sentimentale.


– Prix Farel – Neuchatel | 2016 | Switzerland
– Festival du Cinéma Méditerranéen – Bruxelles | 2016 | Belgium
– LIDF – London International Documentary Festival | 2017 | United Kingdom
– KASHISH MIQFF – Mumbai | 2017 | India
– Serile Filului Gay Romania – Cluj-Napoca | 2017 | Romania
– CinéMarche – Marche en Farmenne | 2017 | Belgium
– Pelopennisos Doc Festival – Kalamata | 2018 | Greece


– Best foreign documentary award’s price at Pelopennisos Doc Festival – Kalamata | 2018 | Greece