Maud Girault | 2019 | Belgium | 29′
Production: SIC 2014, Bruits, GSARA, Dojo Mix Studio, CVB, CBA

/ FR
Aléas est une rencontre qui se cherche pendant plus de dix ans entre la réalisatrice et le sculpteur Amahiguéré Dolo au gré de l’argile qui se transforme, d’un deuil, du bois qui prend vie, des cortèges étudiants et des cris urbains, des besoins de partir et de l’envie d’être là.

Aléas is th encounter between the director and the sculptor Amhiguéré Dolo created during more than 10 years at the rythm of the transforming clay, of a mourning, of the wood getting alive, of the students manifestations and of the urban shoutings, of the need ot leave and to be there at the same time.

/ IT
Aléas è un incontro fra la regista e lo scultore Amahiguéré Dolo cercato per più di 10 anni al ritmo dell’argilla che si trasforma, di un lutto, del legno che prende vita, dei cortei studenteschi e delle grida urbane. Di andarsene e di esserci.

Festivals (in collaboration with CBA)


International Short Film Festival Oberhausen | 2019 | Germany
Pärnu International Documentary Film Festival | 2019 | Estonia
Festival des Cinémas Sauvages – Bruxelles | 2019 | Belgium
Festival Aux Écrans du Réel – Le Mans | 2019 | France